Physical Activity Adventure Pack (PAAP)
This Scheme of Work has been carefully crafted by Brianne Pearson: BA (Hons) Early Primary Education teacher and Physical Education and Physical Activity specialist and Helen Battelley: MA Author, lecturer, researcher, and consultant in Early Childhood Physical Activity, Movement Play and PE. The scheme aligns with the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters document (2021). Our Physical Activity Adventure Pack provides a full year of developmentally appropriate lesson plans aimed specifically for children in the early years.
Physical activity is vital to children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy, and active lives. Through physical activity we can engage and support young children to become more active and extend their learning potential using a movement programme.

The innovative games and activities included in this pack provide opportunities for physical development and play both indoors and outdoors and offer both an adult-directed and child-centred approach to learning. Opportunities for agency and autonomy are interwoven throughout the scheme to allow for intrinsic motivation and mastery.
This scheme supports children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, coordination, and agility along with underpinning many other fundamental areas of learning and development in early childhood. Physical Development is a prime area of learning in the EYFS profile because it is essential to other areas of learning and learning processes. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being.
Our comprehensive pack focuses on developing their gross motor skills through fun, engaging and physically active sessions.

Physical Activity Adventure Pack (PAAP)
The pack is appropriate for all children aged 3 to 6 years, (dependent upon their stage of development) working towards the 8 end of Reception year statements. We have ensured extensive coverage of these specific to the Development Matters document:
Our Physical Activity Adventure Pack not only provides full coverage of the above statements, but every session is also linked to the wider Development Matters curriculum, ensuring holistic development of the child.