We understand physical activity is vital to young children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy, and active lives. Through physical activity we can engage and support young children to become more active, and extend their learning potential using a movement programme.
Our Physical Activity Adventure Pack provides a full year of developmentally appropriate lesson plans aimed specifically for children aged 3 to 6 years, providing opportunities for physical activity and play both indoors and outdoors, through adult-directed and child led learning, using innovative games and fun activities.
Our pack aligns with all areas of learning within the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters non statutory guidance (2021). Each activity card also offers a variety of adaptive teaching methods to support children of varying abilities.
We focus on 6 units of work across the academic year, with 6 activity cards within each aspect:
- Fundamental Movement Skills – Locomotor and Navigating Space
- Movement and Dance
- Fundamental Movement Skills – Agility, Balance and Coordination
- Fundamental Movement Skills – Gymnastics
- Multi-Skills – Hand/Eye and Foot/Eye Coordination
- Athletics
Each card is focused around a theme and draws on imaginative play to aid engagement.
Your packs will be dispatched in 5 working days once payment has been received.
Should you require a bulk order of 5 or more packs, a 10% discount will be applied. Please email [email protected] for further details on how to access this offer.