Early Years CPD Training and Consultancy

Helen Battelley is an internationally renowned consultant, trainer, author and speaker in Physical activity/movement in Early and Primary Education with an MA in Early Childhood Physical Activity and Movement Studies.   Her training style is energetic, passionate and highly motivational.   She has been working as a dance and movement specialist for over 19 years and continues to work directly with children.  Helen is respected globally for her valued contribution to raising the profile of early years physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviours.

Helen’s consultancy now takes her all over the world, from Malaysia to Dubai, from China to Romania.  The movement philosophy Helen promotes is to embed movement within the curriculum and framework to enable a movement philosophy. “Young children learn through movement, early years practice must adopt an approach which is accessible to all”.    The embodiment of her practice is to raise confidence in the areas of movement play and physical activity.  The training Helen delivers ranges from supporting educators in developing activities to support the Early Years Framework, to working with coaches and PE leads to create a PE scheme of work and methodology suited to young children.

Helen’s work with families and communities has been exemplary in exploring perceptions around movement and physical activity and subsequently the development of various initiatives and schemes to increase movement potential utilised across the world.

The underpinning principles that align Helen’s work as a consultant and Director of Music and Movement are:

  • Children’s earliest experiences form the foundation for future development
  • Family attitudes and engagement in physical activity influence future salutogenic behaviours
  • Learning should be joyous, regardless of your age and the content
  • Community cohesion can boost movement play opportunities
  • Perspectives are fallible, replace with certainties
  • Circumstances constantly evolve, be flexible
  • Learning is not linear but an interwoven process of development
  • Children are of equal worth, but they are not born equal

“Helen was fantastic, very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about her subject. The course was extremely fast paced and I really enjoyed the amount of practical work we did. I would definitely recommend this course to fellow PE teachers and Early Year’s practitioners.”

“I had an amazing time, was great to do training that was so hands on and practical. I found it liberating!”

“The EYFS course was so practical and inspirational I have implemented the ideas into my setting already, thank you”

“The Baby Music and Sensory Play Course was great, it helped all of us to understand babies developmental needs and it gave us confidence to make up our own songs!”

“It was great to look at CLL through dance and movement thanks for all the great ideas!”

move more and play conference

Buy tickets for Move More and Play - Reimagining Early Childhood

Physical Activity Adventure Pack PAAP

Physical Activity Adventure Pack (PAAP)

Our Physical Activity Adventure Pack provides a full year of developmentally appropriate lesson plans aimed specifically for children in the early years.

teach early years awards 2024 PAAP
The Voice of Early Childhood Podcast

Listen to the Podcast with The Voice of Early Childhood

Register to receive music and theme ideas direct to your inbox

Book Early Years CPD

Early Years CPD training is available face-to-face, online, in-person or on-demand.

Take a look at our available courses

50 Fantastic Ideas for Songs and Rhymes Book

My book 50 fantastic ideas for songs and rhymes is available to buy from Bloomsbury, Amazon and Waterstones.

50 Fantastic ideas for songs and rhymes

Helen Battelley, movement consultant for ‘Awesome Animals and Mini Me’ a series for young children on SKY TV. The series is currently available on Sky and NOW TV.

sky logo

Herts Mini Movers Partnership

Herts Sport Physical Activity Partnership

Music + Movement: The Early Years Publication

Music + Movement: The Early Years

Physical Activity Policy For Children Under 5 – Download (pdf)

neyasp logo

Chair of National Early Years Active Start Partnership (NEYASP).

Helen Battelley, PD consultant for Cherwell Council in developing content for families and educators in Movement Play.

Helen Battelley is an associate member of ISPAH, IFIP, Early Education, AFPE and an accredited member of The Chartered College of Teachers.

Monica Vinader“My daughter has been taking lessons with M+M since she was 3 and has absolutely loved every minute of it. She has performed with such confidence and has had such fun, it has been a joy to watch. Helen is a great teacher, the kids love her and so do we, and music and movement have provided two brilliant kiddies parties for us, Thank you Music + Movement!
Monica Vinader

“I think every early years practitioner should attend your course as part of their initial teacher training as it really brings home how important Physical Development is, how it can inspire young children’s imaginations and contains so many practical ideas to take away…practitioners really need to start thinking outside the box and teach stories and number through PE, rather than having them sitting down and listening/doing flash cards.
The links are also useful.  Great to see you have videos on YouTube too.”

Danielle Griffiths, Aspire Early Years Teacher